
Acetone Reality, Timeshare, Los Angeles, CA

Video Capsule, Meduza, Vilnius, Lithuania
Sentences, CANADA Gallery, New York, NY
Art and Theft, CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel curated by Palazzina, Neuchâtel Switzerland

Adult Contemporary, Progetto, Lecce, Italy
Some things you can ask SAIC Galleries, Chicago, IL

Conflict Assembly, September, Kinderhook, NY
Dailies, University Art Museum, Albany, NY 
On the Ground w/Grace Ives, New York, NY

Friends and Family, Magenta Plains. New York, New York
The Story of M.B. as told by Jef Geys, Frans Masereel Centrum. Kasterlee, Belgium
100 Sculptures. anonymous Gallery. New York, NY
LuLLabIES. Collaborative show w/Sadie Laska. Ceysson & Bénétière. New York, NY 

This is your last chance to use words. Screening and performance at Treize, Paris. February 22.
Beige Pursuit in Paris. February 20.
Dear Delia. February 26.



On Breaking the House. Creative Independent Interview, March 27 2018
NOON at the New Museum in The New York Times. What to see in Galleries this week. April 2018

Ccartalkla w/ Martine Syms & Sara Magenheimer Los Angeles. December 20.
Slow Zoom Long Pause. @ BAM. November 7.
New York Film Festival Projections Program: Art and Theft Premiere. @ Francesca Beale Theater. October 7. @ Howard Gilman Theater. October 8.
Seqeunces VIII: Elastic Hours in Reykjavik, Iceland. @ King & Bang Gallery. October 6-15.
I Collect Neglected Venoms at PICA’s TBA Festival. September 15-17. Panel discussion September 17.
Public Formats at Abrons Art Center. May 18-June 11.
Surfacing. @ James Harris Gallery. Seattle. April 6-May 13.
Daisy Chain. @ Joan Los Angeles. March 31.
Body Language. @ the High Line. March 9-April 26.
I Collect Neglected Venoms at The Kitchen. Performances February 25 & March 4.
Ambiguity Forum. A reading of texts around the theme of ambiguity. Concurrent with Sadie Benning’s show Shared Eye. January 14.
FEELS EVERYTHING LIKE SHOPPING. @ Kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Sporta iela 2, Rīga, Latvia. December 8 2016- January 15.

SAIC Conversations at the Edge + VDB 40th Anniversary Celebration. School of the Art Institute of Chicago. October 20.
PopRally Presents: TEN. @ MOMA. September 10.
WILD SOUNDS. @ 2016 Fall Flaherty NYC. October 3.
Sara Magenheimer + Martine Syms Video Lectures. @ Basilica Hudson. An Evening with Sara Magenheimer and Martine Syms. July 21.
The Movie of the Same Name. @ COR&P. March 26-April 24.
Chatham Square at Foxy Production. Opening Reception March 13. March 13-April 24.
Planthouse: MDF Blog. Opening February 26.
Næturvarp [Night Transmissions]: Electronic Intimacy on Icelandic National TV. From February 8-22, all TV sets in Iceland will transform into art venues. Video art will be screened every night from approximately 1:30 am GMT until morning.
On Screen/Sound: No. 11. EMPAC Screening. February 25.

Marginal Editions Print Portfolio. Ouija Deja Vu. 2015.
Moby Dick Marathon Reading. @ The Whitney Museum. November 13.
White Rock curated by Siebren Versteeg. @ New Release Gallery. November 13-December 20.
CCCC: Ceramics Club Cash and Carry. @ White Columns. November 6-December 19. This project is a fundraiser with 100% of all profits going to Planned Parenthood, White Helmets, and Critical Resistance.
JOAN Los Angeles. Joan presents Slow Zoom Long Pause. September 12-October 11.
Vision Quest at MCA Chicago. Presented by dinca.org. September 10-12.
New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center. Slow Zoom Long Pause will screen as part of the Projections program at the New York Film Festival. October 4.
THIS SENTENCE at China Art Objects. China Art Objects, Los Angeles. Curated by Lauren Mackler of Public Fiction. June 6-August 22.
A New Use of the Self. @ The Luminary St. Louis. June 12.
PLAYLIST. @ Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran. June 13.
Artadia Award. The Fund for Art and Dialogue is pleased to announce the 2015 New York Artadia Awardees.
Seven Signs that Mean Silence Wins Prix de Varti at Ann Arbor. 53RD ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL. March 28.
Recess Session. Sara Magenheimer: False Alphabets. In Session: March 19-April 25.
Here, Time is Space. Hear: Time is Space. January 9-February 7.
Soap Opera Pop Music at Document Gallery. December 12 2014-January 24.


ArtForum Best of 2014: Corrine Fitzpatrick. December 11.
BLOOPERS at EMPAC. Bloopers #1 is the newest iteration of the performance-driven collaboration by artists Michael Bell-Smith, Sara Magenheimer, and Ben Vida. December 6.
A Show Of Hands at 247365. October 25.
Rema Hort Mann Foundation Grant.
Screening: CAVE in Detroit. August 8.
Art Forum Critic’s Pick: The View from the Window. July 18.
The View from the Window. This is a selection of artworks; which involve various states of control, arrest, preservation and modularity in nature. There are three artists, three temporalities, and many more ideas of landscapes. Curated by Lumi Tan. June 26-August 2.
Screening at The Kitchen. An Evening with Primary Information. May 5.
Which arbitrary thing are you. @ CLEOPATRA’s. April 6-May 4.
Audio Tour of One Lump or Two. Audio tour of Amy Sillman’s show at the ICA Boston.